Dr. Harald Weber


Phone: 0631 20583-26
Fax: 0631 20583-83
E-Mail: harald.weber(at)ita-kl(dot)de


Institut für Technologie und Arbeit e.V.
Trippstadter Str. 113
67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

Harald Weber has been a researcher since 1992, first at the University of Kaiserslautern and later at the Institute for Technology and Work (ITA), which was founded in 1995. He was a visiting scientist at the Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH), Heraklion, Greece (1999 - 2001) and a long-term project manager at the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education (EASNIE), Odense, Denmark (2001 - 2017). He holds a degree in Computer Science and a PhD in Ergonomics / Human Factors (Dr. rer.-pol.). His research focuses on occupational inclusion; inclusive design / design for all; usability, accessibility & user-centred design of new technologies; organisational resilience; evaluation of prevention and participation programmes and initiatives. He has been a member of the honorary board of ITA since 2002, and its chairman since 2018.

Selected publications:

Weber, H., Blaudszun-Lahm, A., Eierdanz, F., Hoffmann, J., Kubek, V., Osranek, R., Schady, T., Deusch, B. & Süßmilch, B. (2024). Evaluation der Wirkungen der Fördergrundsätze ‚Arbeit Inklusiv‘ – WiArIn -We are In! Kommunalverband für Jugend und Soziales – Baden-Württemberg (KVJS).

Lacher, S., Wolf, D. & Weber H. (2024). Neue Wege, alte Hürden: Inklusive Bildung im digitalen Zeitalter. forum erwachsenenbildung, 57(2), 39-43. https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART105704

European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, 2024. Transforming Education in a Digital World to Enable Inclusive Learning Experiences: A think piece for education and technology stakeholders. (M. Turner-Cmuchal and H. Weber, eds.). Odense, Denmark. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29940.94081

Weber, H., Blaudszun-Lahm, A., Eierdanz, F. und Jentsch, M. (2023): Berufliche Teilhabe für Menschen mit Behinderungen in Europa – eine kontrastierende Analyse. Gekürzte Fassung des Abschlussberichts. Kaiserslautern, Deutschland.

Weber, H., Blaudszun-Lahm, A., Eierdanz, F. & Jentsch, M. (2023): Vocational participation for people with disabilities in Europe – a contrasting analysis. Final Report. Kaiserslautern, Germany

European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, 2022. Changing Role of Specialist Provision in Supporting Inclusive Education: Formative Evaluation of Peer Learning. (H. Weber, ed.). Odense, Denmark

European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, 2022. Inclusive Digital Education. (H. Weber, A. Elsner, D. Wolf, M. Rohs and M. Turner-Cmuchal, eds.). Odense, Denmark

Blaudszun-Lahm, A.; Weber, H.; Eierdanz, F. (2021): ELQue – Ein neues Instrument zur Erhebung der Lebensqualität bei Menschen mit komplexer Behinderung in Wohneinrichtungen: In: Teilhabe 60 (4), S. 166-172.

Zink, K. J., Weber, H. (2021): Digitale Transformation in der Sozialwirtschaft. Von der Notwendigkeit einer eigenen Innovationskultur. Bonn, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Abteilung Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik. ISBN 978-3-96250-754-1

Weber, H. (2021): The contribution of ICT to accessible learning environments, in: Ebersold, S. (Ed.): Accessibility or Reinventing Education. London, Hoboken: ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 99-116. ISBN 978-1-78945-011-8

Weber, H. (2021): La contribution des technologies numériques à l’accessibilité des environments d’apprentissage. In Ebersold, S. (Ed.): L’accessibilité ou la réinvention de l’école. London, Hoboken: ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 123 – 143. ISBN 978-1-78948-011-5

Weber, H.; Kubek, V. (2020): Chancen und Risiken der Digitalisierung für sozial benachteiligte Personengruppen. In: von Hauff, M.; Reller; A.: Nachhaltige Digitalisierung – eine noch zu bewältigende Zukunftsaufgabe. Hessische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, Wiesbaden, S. 98 – 108

Weber, H. (2018): Neue Wege in der Organisationsforschung – Organisationale Resilienz. In: Lüder, S. R. & Stahlhut, B. (Hrsg.): Konturen einer Gesundheitssicherheitspolitik. BWV Berlin. S. 178 – 191

Hellriegel, J.; Osranek, R.; Prescher, T.; Rensing, C. & Weber, H. (2015): Herausforderungen und Konsequenzen für die Konzeption eines digitalen Lernraumes in der beruflichen Erstausbildung zur Förderung der Lernortkooperation. In: Rathmayer, S. & Pongratz, H. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of DeLFI Workshops 2015 co-located with 13th e-Learning Conference of the German Computer Society (DeLFI 2015) München, Germany, September 1, 2015, S. 65 – 71.

Kubek, V. ; Weber, H. ; Zink, K. J.: Alternative Wege der beruflichen Inklusion: Oder: Die Notwendigkeit, sich von einem Denken in Einbahnstraßen zu verabschieden. In: TUP Theorie und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit. Band 66, 1 (2015), S. 32–44.

Herzog, E.; Eierdanz, F.; Ottersböck, N.; Wanielik, B.; Weber, H. (Hg.) (2014): Entwicklungsperspektiven in der Westpfalz – Denkanstöße, Analysen, Hintergründe in Zeiten des demografischen Wandels. Mainz: Institut für Sozialpädagogische Forschung Mainz e.V.

Weber, H. & Zink, K. J. (2014): Boon and Bane of ICT Acceleration for Vulnerable Populations. In C. Korunka and P. Hoonakker (eds.): The Impact of ICT on Quality of Working Life, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8854-0_11,  Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Kyriazopoulou, M. & Weber, H. (2013): European Patterns of Successful Practice in Vocational Education and Training – Participation of Learners with SEN/Disabilities in VET; European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education, ISBN: 978-87-7110-419-6

Weber, H. (2013): European Patterns of Successful Practice in Vocational Education and Training – Methodology Paper; European Agency for Development in Special Needs and Inclusive Education., ISBN: 978-87-7110-489-9

Weber, H. & Edler, C. (2010): Supporting the Web Experience of Young People with Learning Disabilities. Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 12th International Conference, ICCHP 2010, Vienna, Austria, July 14-16, 2010. Proceedings, Part I; 01/2010

Weber, H. (2006): Providing Access to the internet for people with disabilities. Short and medium term research demands. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 05/2006; 5:491 – 498.

Greve, J., Soriano, V. & Weber, H. (2003). Providing ICT/IST professionals with access to resources in Special Educational Needs (SEN) and vice versa – A European network approach. In C. Stephanidis (Ed.),Universal access in HCI – Inclusive design in the information society (pp. 1103–1107). London: Chapman and Hall

Robert W. Proctor, Kim-Phuong L. Vu, Gavriel Salvendy, Helmut Degen, Xiaowen Fang, John M. Flach, Sherrie P. Gott, Douglas Herrmann, Heidi Krömker, Nancy J. Lightner, Leah Reeves, Arnold Rudorfer, Kay Stanney, Constantine Stephanidis, Thomas Z. Strybel, Misha Vaughan, Huifang Wang, Harald Weber, Yanxia Yang, Wenli Zhu (2002): Content Preparation and Management for Web Design: Eliciting, Structuring, Searching, and Displaying Information. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 01/2002; 14:25-92

Weber, H. (1999): A Pragmatic and Inclusive Approach to Assess Health and Safety Aspects at VDU Workplaces. Human-Computer Interaction: Ergonomics and User Interfaces, Proceedings of HCI International ’99 (the 8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction), Munich, Germany, August 22-26, 1999, Volume 1; 01/1999

Weber, H., Weiss, W. & Zink, K. J. (1996): ‚Accessibility‘ in other words is ‚Equal Rights‘. Human services information technology applications: Dreams and realities; 82-96, ISBN: 951330230X

Weber, H., Zimmermann, G. & Zink, K. J. (1995): Computer Access for People with Special Needs. In: Computers in Human Services, Jg. 12, 1/2 (1995), S. 151-168

Current projects


in.arbeit – digital

The project takes advantage of digitalisation in such a way that a sheltered workshop for people with disabilities can achieve a higher degree of decentralisation while at the same time maintaining economic efficiency and thus create new / additional participation opportunities for employees with disabilities in the social context as well as higher-quality occupational participation.


Organisational resilience

Organisational resilience enables companies not only to survive crises or times of high pressure to change, but also to use them for further development towards improved sustainability in the sense of growth/strengthening.

Finished projects


Changing Role of Specialist Provision in Supporting Inclusive Education – Evaluation of Phase 2

The Changing Role of Specialist Provision in Supporting Inclusive Education (CROSP) project is focusing on the re-organisation of specialist, separate provision (schools, classes and units) and the perceived shift in the role of such provision to support the right to inclusive education for all learners.



BELVEDERE provides a platform to identify, further develop and share good examples of support for people with disabilities in the transition from school education or vocational training to employment using information and communication technologies (ICT).



The WORKFORCE project is concerned with the development of a further education network in the sanitary, heating and air conditioning (SHAC) sector.