Dr. Harald Weber
Phone: 0631 20583-26
Fax: 0631 20583-83
E-Mail: harald.weber(at)ita-kl(dot)de
Institut für Technologie und Arbeit e.V.
Trippstadter Str. 113
67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Current projects
Preventive Health Update for Families - "Gesundheit4PunktZukunft" (Health4PointFuture)
Systemic support for families burdened by unemployment
in.arbeit – digital
The project takes advantage of digitalisation in such a way that a sheltered workshop for people with disabilities can achieve a higher degree of decentralisation while at the same time maintaining economic efficiency and thus create new / additional participation opportunities for employees with disabilities in the social context as well as higher-quality occupational participation.
SME 4.0 Competence Center Kaiserslautern
The SME 4.0 Competence Center Kaiserslautern offers coordinated information, qualification and support services for small and medium-sized enterprises and especially for micro-enterprises in the region.
Organisational resilience
Organisational resilience enables companies not only to survive crises or times of high pressure to change, but also to use them for further development towards improved sustainability in the sense of growth/strengthening.
Pro Health - proGes
Activation and support - restoring participation in working life through individual coaching and health prevention
Resilienzinitiative der Pfalz
Um die seelische Gesundheitsversorgung nachhaltig zu verbessern, sind mehr Ressourcen für Prävention und eine bessere Koordination aller relevanten Akteure vonnöten. Auf Basis dieser Erkenntnisse gründete sich 2014 in der Pfalz die Initiative „Die Pfalz macht sich/dich stark – Wege zur Resilienz“.
WfbM benchmarking of participation in working life
The project offers a management tool that enables workshops for disabled people to measure the quality of their contribution to the participation of disabled people in working life, to evaluate it in comparison with other workshops and to develop it further on the basis of data.
Wissenschaftliche Begleitung des Modellprojekts „Butterfly“
Das Modellprojekt unterstützt arbeitslose Menschen an der Schwelle zu einer psychischen Erkrankung durch flexible und bedarfsorientierte Beratung und Begleitung. Die wissenschaftliche Begleitung durch ITA und SÖSTRA soll die Projektziele unterstützen und die Qualität der Projektumsetzung sichern.
Finished projects
Age-mixed digitisation teams
In Rhineland-Palatinate companies today, employees from up to four generations work together - with different skills and needs when using digital technologies in the workplace. The aim of the project was to bring them together successfully.
Arbeitswissenschaft und globale Lieferketten
The study analyses the potential of ergonomics for social market economy in the era of globalization.
Benchmarking of user-oriented housing offers
The project will develop a management instrument for communal and outpatient forms of housing that can map the user-oriented offer and the quality of service provision in an impact-oriented manner.
Vocational participation for people with disabilities in Europe - a contrasting analysis
The aim of this study is to highlight the diversity of the target groups of vocational participation schemes in five selected member states of the European Union.
Changing Role of Specialist Provision in Supporting Inclusive Education – Evaluation of Phase 2
The Changing Role of Specialist Provision in Supporting Inclusive Education (CROSP) project is focusing on the re-organisation of specialist, separate provision (schools, classes and units) and the perceived shift in the role of such provision to support the right to inclusive education for all learners.
Enhancing inclusion capacity of educational organisations / institutions providing VET with ICT
Together with European partners, ITA develops approaches to improve the inclusion capacity of vocational education and training institutions using information and communication technologies (ICT).
BELVEDERE provides a platform to identify, further develop and share good examples of support for people with disabilities in the transition from school education or vocational training to employment using information and communication technologies (ICT).
Evaluation "Initiative Inclusion" for the fields of action 2 and 3
On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), the ITA evaluated fields of action 2 and 3 of the Inclusion initiative.
Evaluation of the effects of the funding principles "Work Inclusive" - WiArIn - We are In!
The aim of the evaluation is to provide insights into the extent to which measures for labour market-oriented qualification can contribute to an improved participation situation of severely disabled people in working life.
GameOfRoster - game-based collaborative services platform for care professions (GamOR)
The aim of the project is to reduce disadvantageous conditions of shift work in nursing through attractive digital participation within a collaborative rostering process.
Model project transition from day care centres to workshops for disabled people
The aim of the project is to enable people with a high need for assistance after school education to claim their right to vocational training within the vocational training area of a workshop for disabled people.
The WORKFORCE project is concerned with the development of a further education network in the sanitary, heating and air conditioning (SHAC) sector.