Consulting and implementation
ITA advises you as a company in the private and social sector on the following objectives:
Get digitally fit
You want to make your company "fit" in terms of digitalization?
Would you like to use the opportunities offered by digitisation to optimise processes or to relieve the burden on employees?
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Working healthy
Your employees are at their maximum stress level?
You would like to march into the future as a "healthy company"?
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Networked work
Do you rely on cooperation and networking instead of lone wolves?
What synergies are available to you?
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Future-oriented leadership and cooperation
Your company should become more competitive and innovative?
Which approaches of leadership and cooperation are then forward-looking?
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Finding and retaining skilled workers
Are you already suffering from a shortage of skilled workers?
You want to increase the attractiveness of your company?
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Sustainable management
Do you want to act in a socially responsible manner as a company or municipality?
What are the concrete approaches for you?
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Shaping inclusion
Would you like to make a contribution to occupational and social inclusion?
Do you want to learn about outstanding approaches in this respect?
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Moving ahead together
Do you understand improvement processes not as "top down predetermined", but as a joint design task?
Then you are right with us!
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Grundlagen unserer Beratungs- und Coachingaktivitäten
In its Beratungs- und Coachingaktivitäten ITA is committed to adhering to the ethical standards issued by relevant umbrella organisations for guidance and coaching.
As a member of Deutschen Gesellschaft für Coaching e.V. (DGfC) the human being with his or her inviolable dignity is at the centre of all activities. This humanistic understanding forms the basis and the binding standard for the actions of all DGfC coaches. The ethical standards are binding for all DGfC members and form the indispensable basis for the acquisition, implementation and evaluation of coaching processes as well as internal and inter-associational conduct as a coach.
The ethical guidelines of the DGfC can be viewed here:
Furthermore, the ITA is a member of the gfo – Gesellschaft für Organisation e.V. and thus networked with numerous actors from science and practice who are concerned with sustainable organisational development.
Furthermore, the ITA staff working as counsellors and coaches are certified via the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Systemische Therapie, Beratung und Familientherapie (DGSF) and the Systemische Gesellschaft (SG)According to this, the basic attitude of systemic counsellors and coaches is characterised by respect and appreciation towards individual persons and systems. The clients are seen as experts for themselves and their lives. They are encouraged to discover and use their own resources in a self-determined way, and are supported and accompanied in this process. In their actions, counsellors are oriented towards expanding the possibilities of clients and systems and promoting their self-organisation. They are particularly sensitive to issues that arise from a gender perspective. In doing so, they constantly reflect on their own premises.
The ethical guidelines of the DGSF can be viewed here:
The ethics guidelines of the SG can be viewed here: