• Beispiel für Ergebnisdarstellung nach Ampelsystem

WfbM benchmarking of participation in working life

The "WfbM benchmarking of participation in working life" is a management tool that enables workshops to measure the quality of their contribution to the participation of disabled people in working life, to evaluate it in comparison with other workshops and to develop it further on the basis of data.

The workshops in the benchmarking network use an exchange of expertise on the basis of comparable quality indicators to further develop the quality of participation. Online exchange meetings on current topics take place once a month in the "Participation Quality Network" .

Based on a jointly developed quality definition of participation in working life, participating workshops measure the quality of their service provision both by means of key figures and by surveying employees with disabilities. The subjective assessment by the employees as well as the objective measurement is an indispensable part of the quality assessment. Thus, every quality objective, be it, for example, "enabling lifelong learning through differentiated educational opportunities" or "participation in working life through differentiated job offers" can be assessed from two perspectives. In addition, "checklists" enable a structured exchange on selected topics such as integration management and inclusion.

The quality measurements are designed as uniform self measurements. Likewise, the survey of the employees is carried out by trained interviewers in the workshop itself. Both of these measures promote the sensitisation of the specialist staff to potential for improvement within their own workshop and support the quality promotion process. Intensive training, uniform measuring instruments and binding guidelines for the implementation of measurement ensure high data quality. This is the only way to ensure that the data is highly informative and comparable.

The statistical evaluation and preparation of the data is carried out by the central evaluation unit at ITA. Both a cross sectional and longitudinal design is used. The data is evaluated anonymously so that the identity of a workshop is only revealed if it wishes to do so.

If interested in learning from each other or in "learning from the best", WfbM can participate in moderated workshops. These workshops enable a structured analysis of selected evaluation results of the participating workshops in an open and learning-oriented atmosphere. Processes and structures underlying the results can be discussed in detail within this framework.

Beispiel für Ergebnisdarstellung nach AmpelsystemIn the regularly held "Forum Benchmarking" the research needs of the participating workshops are systematically recorded and discussed. Necessary adaptations to the benchmarking procedure are worked out in dedicated working groups under scientific supervision of the ITA. This approach ensures that the measurement continues to meet the needs of the workshops, while maintaining the balance between knowledge-induced adaptation and stability. Workshops are thus provided with an important tool to support quality management, which provides detailed information on strengths and improvement potential of rehabilitation and participation services in the workshop and enables a comparison with the strategic orientation of the workshop.

The entry of interested workshops is basically possible at any time. At present, about 50 workshops participate in the "WfbM-Benchmarking of participation in working life".


  • Sieling, E., Eierdanz, F., Blaudszun-Lahm, A.: Wirkungsorientierung in WfbM – Dimensionen von Teilhabequalität; Vortrag Werkstätten:Messe 2019
  • Blaudszun-Lahm, A.; Eierdanz, F.; Sieling, E.: Wunsch und Wirklichkeit: Zur Relevanz einer Leistungsbewertung aus Nutzersicht. IN: Werkstatt:Dialog. Band 33, 1 (2017), S. 26–29.
  • Arnold, M., Eierdanz, F.; Kammann, C., Inklusive Werkstatt? Möglichkeiten der Selbstreflexion und Weiterentwicklung; Vortrag Werkstätten:Messe 2016
  • Blaudszun-Lahm, A., Päpke, T., Schmanke A.: Qualität der Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben als ein wesentlicher Beitrag der Werkstätten zur Inklusion; Vortrag Werkstätten:Messe 2015
  • Blaudszun-Lahm, A.; Eierdanz, F.; Weber, H.: Benchmarking der Teilhabe: Wie meistern Werkstätten die Herausforderungen der UN-Konvention?; In: Werkstatt:Dialog, 2014 (6), S. 44-46
  • Blaudszun-Lahm, A.; Eierdanz, F.; Weber, H.: WfbM-Benchmarking der Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben; In: Klarer Kurs, 2014 (4), S. 40-41
  • Blaudszun-Lahm, A.; Eierdanz, F.; Weber, H.: Wie beurteilen Menschen mit psychischer Behinderung als „Kunden“ die Rehabilitationsqualität?; In: Kerbe – Forum für soziale Psychiatrie, Jg. 31, 2013 (1), S. 9-12
  • Blaudszun-Lahm, A.; Eierdanz, F.; Weber, H.: Die Qualität beruflicher Rehabilitation aus Sicht der „Kunden“ – Ergebnisse aus Befragungen von über 10.000 Mitarbeitern mit Behinderungen; In: Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, Jg. 65, 2011 (4), S. 312-332
  • Blaudszun-Lahm, A.; Eierdanz, F.; Weber, H.: Werden Werkstattbeschäftigte erfolgreich gefördert? In: ConZepte, Informationen, Standpunkte und Diskussionen aus der Gesundheits- und Sozialwirtschaft, Jg. 5, 2010 (2), S. 22 – 25
  • Weber, H.; Eierdanz, F.; Blaudszun-Lahm, A.: Verbesserung beruflicher Teilhabemöglichkeiten für Menschen mit Behinderungen – Ein Benchmarking-Ansatz zur Verbesserung der Qualität rehabilitativer Dienstleistungen in Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen, in: Neue Arbeits- und Lebenswelten gestalten, 56. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft, 24. bis 26. März 2010, S. 339-342
  • Weber, H.: Benchmarking der Förderungs- und Rehabilitationsqualität in Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen (Reha-Benchmarking), Vortrag auf dem Werkstättentag 2008

Project title

WfbM benchmarking of participation in working life

Duration:  since 01.01.2015

Project partners

  • approx. 50 sheltered workshops for people with disabilities

Contact person

Dipl.-Pflegewirtin Annette Blaudszun-Lahm