Brief description of the field of competence

In field of competence "Innovation Networks" is home to ITA activities that focus on the establishment, maintenance and management of networks as well as the framework and methods for successful innovation. The focus is on cooperation between companies and clusters in the sense of regional innovation networks with participants from business, science and, if applicable, politics and civil society.

Against the background of digital transformation, networking and the emergence of new forms of work (open, agile, platform-based), work systems are becoming increasingly complex. For example, hybrid and collaborative business models are emerging, as well as cooperation structures on several levels, including cooperation between clusters, possibly across national borders. At present and in the future, the organisation and coordination of cooperation in networks and across organisational boundaries are crucial for success.

At ITA we develop and test concepts, process models, methods and training for competence development, management and strategic development of innovation networks with cooperation partners. In addition, we take a look at future developments and effects with approaches of strategic foresight and evaluation. In this way we support the people-centred, desirable development of organisations and innovation ecosystems.

With its activities in the competence field of "innovation networks", ITA supports the goal of designing innovation ecosystems in a humane way, taking into account all relevant stakeholders influencing factors and design options. ITA is a competent partner for clusters and innovation networks as well as multipliers from business, science, politics and society (quadruple helix) in answering research questions and implementing consulting projects.

In detail offers from the competence field of innovation networks address:


Target group: clusters, innovation networks, project consortia, initiatives


  • Innovation management in clusters and networks
  • Competence development concepts and approaches to securing skilled workers
  • Methods for forecasting the future / foresight
  • Approaches to evaluation and impact analysis

Further education and teaching

Target group: Cluster and network management; students and young scientists of the TU Kaiserslautern


  • Platform-based offers within the framework of the feasibility study "The Virtual Cluster Academy
  • Supervision of scientific theses on topics from the following areas
    • Clusters and networks
    • Evaluation
    • Competence development
    • Innovation Management

Support and advice

Target group: clusters and networks, associations, projects and initiatives; ministries and authorities, chambers, associations and multipliers


  • Support and advice on the establishment, expansion and management of clusters and networks, e.g.
    • Use of foresight for strategic organisational development
    • Employee and member surveys
  • Evaluation in the thematic fields
    • research, technology and innovation policy and
    • Health

News from the competence field Innovation Networks

Projects in the competence field Innovation Networks


V-I-T - Networking - Interaction - Participation

Das Projekt beschäftigt sich mit dem Aufbau einer innovativen Organisationsstruktur inkl. umfassender Vernetzung sowie der Erprobung innovativer Einzelleistungen. Das Vorhaben fokussiert sich darauf die Erwerbsfähigkeit gesundheitlich stark belasteter Leistungsberechtigter zu erhalten oder wiederherzustellen sowie deren gesellschaftliche und berufliche Teilhabe zu verbessern.


Mag. rer. nat. Judith Hoffmann

More about innovation networks

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