We introduce ourselves

Our institute is a research institution in the fields of ergonomics, social sciences and economics with recognition as an affiliated institute of the RPTU Kaiserslautern-LandauIt is organised as a registered association with a charitable purpose and is managed by a four-member board of directors and supported by a Scientific Steering Committee. . The Institute's funding organisations and customers include federal and state ministries as well as companies in the private and social sectors. Between 35 and 40 academic and non-academic staff members from various disciplines work together at ITA. 

Our main field of activity is research and development for people and organisations. This means that we deal with the current and future requirements for the successful design of companies, non-profit and public organisations and their responsibility towards their employees, customers and society.

We shape the future of work and contribute to a better world of work
- an we begin with ourselves.

We are convinced that organisations are fit for the future when the requirements of the customers are at the centre. This requires flexible and adaptable organisational structures as well as freedom of action and decision-making for employees. This is our conviction in our research and consulting projects, and this is how we work at the ITA. We balance elements of control and self-organisation together, regularly reflect on our actions and leave previous organisational rules behind us if they prove to be dysfunctional.

A high degree of freedom of action and decision-making at the staff level is counteracted by classic hierarchies. This is why we do not have team or department heads - the employees themselves take on increasingly demanding tasks and responsibilities over time as part of the self-organised handling of research, consultancy and implementation projects as a team.

We offer all employees work in the scientific field on a permanent basis - research episodes that are limited in time due to the nature of projects transition into lines of research that are supported by a high level of technical and methodological expertise as well as far-reaching networks.