Wissenschaftliche Begleitung des Modellprojekts „Butterfly“
Das Modellprojekt unterstützt arbeitslose Menschen an der Schwelle zu einer psychischen Erkrankung durch flexible und bedarfsorientierte Beratung und Begleitung. Die wissenschaftliche Begleitung durch ITA und SÖSTRA soll die Projektziele unterstützen und die Qualität der Projektumsetzung sichern.
Resilienzinitiative der Pfalz
Um die seelische Gesundheitsversorgung nachhaltig zu verbessern, sind mehr Ressourcen für Prävention und eine bessere Koordination aller relevanten Akteure vonnöten. Auf Basis dieser Erkenntnisse gründete sich 2014 in der Pfalz die Initiative „Die Pfalz macht sich/dich stark – Wege zur Resilienz“.
Regional Hub for AI and Digital Transformation Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate (RZzKI)
RZzKI supports SMEs with design and management of human-centered AI systems.
Zukunftszentrum für menschzentrierte Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in der Produktionsarbeit (ZUKIPRO-2)
The ZuKIPro Future Centre is designed to give SMEs a practical understanding of the topics of digitalisation and artificial intelligence.
Strengthened resilience in manufacturing SMEs through agile, human-centered digital systems and systems design (READI)
The READI research project pursues the goal of enabling companies to identify, establish, anchor and harmonize the structures, processes and technical prerequisites required for sustainable and continuous change capability within the framework of a multi-stage change model including a set of measures.
Kompetenzzentrum Arbeitsforschung: Transformation im Zukunftskorridor Saar-Pfalz gestalten – werteorientiertes Lernen und Arbeiten in der Kreislaufwirtschaft
ITA leads the „Kompetenzzentrum Arbeitsforschung: Transformation im Zukunftskorridor Saar-Pfalz gestalten - werteorientiertes Lernen und Arbeiten in der Kreislaufwirtschaft (KOMATRA)“.
AI-based knowledge management in technical service (Service Secretary)
The project deals with the development of an AI-based knowledge management system for personnel in technical service. The aim is to use the digital assistance system as part of a holistic solution and to combine it with participative approaches of organizational development.
BETA-MeH - participation in working life with focus on the needs of people with acquired brain damage
ITA scientifically accompanies the project BETA-MeH of the Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund (German Pension Insurance). The project is about the return to work of people with acquired brain damage. This is realized through accompanying case management and a consistent orientation on the individual concerns of the target group and the respective job requirements.
V-I-T - Networking - Interaction - Participation
Das Projekt beschäftigt sich mit dem Aufbau einer innovativen Organisationsstruktur inkl. umfassender Vernetzung sowie der Erprobung innovativer Einzelleistungen. Das Vorhaben fokussiert sich darauf die Erwerbsfähigkeit gesundheitlich stark belasteter Leistungsberechtigter zu erhalten oder wiederherzustellen sowie deren gesellschaftliche und berufliche Teilhabe zu verbessern.
Vocational participation for people with disabilities in Europe - a contrasting analysis
The aim of this study is to highlight the diversity of the target groups of vocational participation schemes in five selected member states of the European Union.
in.arbeit – digital
The project takes advantage of digitalisation in such a way that a sheltered workshop for people with disabilities can achieve a higher degree of decentralisation while at the same time maintaining economic efficiency and thus create new / additional participation opportunities for employees with disabilities in the social context as well as higher-quality occupational participation.
Foresight-Studie Weiterbildung (FORWARD)
Ziel im Projekt FORWARD ist eine strategische Vorausschau und Technikfolgenabschätzung im Themenfeld digitale Bildung mit Fokus auf die Folgen einer zunehmenden Digitalisierung in der Weiterbildung am Beispiel Geringqualifizierter.
Preventive Health Update for Families - "Gesundheit4PunktZukunft" (Health4PointFuture)
Systemic support for families burdened by unemployment
D’accord - Adaptive privacy cockpits in digital ecosystems.
The ITA's sub-project focuses on raising awareness and empowering participants in digital ecosystems in their use of privacy cockpits.
Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Kaiserslautern
Holistic approach to Digitization for SMEs in Rhineland-Palatinate.
Arbeitswissenschaft und globale Lieferketten
The study analyses the potential of ergonomics for social market economy in the era of globalization.
Regional Hub for AI and Digital Transformation Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate (RZzKI)
The regional future center for artificial intelligence (AI) RZzKI supports SMEs in designing and implementing humancentric AI-solutions.
„Future-oriented Work Desgin in the Hunsrück and Naheland regions“ (ArbeitSooNahe)
The collaborative project „Future oriented Work Desgin in the regions of Hunsrück and Naheland“ aims to develop and test innovative and future oriented forms of work organisation together with companies from the Hunsrück and Naheland region.
The WORKFORCE project is concerned with the development of a further education network in the sanitary, heating and air conditioning (SHAC) sector.
BELVEDERE provides a platform to identify, further develop and share good examples of support for people with disabilities in the transition from school education or vocational training to employment using information and communication technologies (ICT).
Hub for Human-centered AI in Production "ZuKIPro"
The ZuKIPro Future Centre is designed to give SMEs a practical understanding of the topics of digitalisation and artificial intelligence.
Digital Companion for intelligent support and interactive experience
Digitale Transformation in Pflegeeinrichtungen mit Hilfe eines KI-gestützten Assistenten.
Current offers
Wir unterstützen Sie (auch) in Umbruchzeiten! Gerne bieten wir Ihnen unsere Leistungen an, um ihr Unternehmen widerstandsfähig zu machen und bewährte Arbeitsweisen weiterzuentwickeln.
Lectures and coachings for auditors and rehab consultants of the Federal Pension Insurance
Employees of the audit service and rehabilitation consultants of the German Pension Insurance Association (Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund) are supported at nine locations in Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and Baden-Württemberg through lectures and coaching on workplace-related challenges.
Pro Health - proGes
Activation and support - restoring participation in working life through individual coaching and health prevention
Changing Role of Specialist Provision in Supporting Inclusive Education – Evaluation of Phase 2
The Changing Role of Specialist Provision in Supporting Inclusive Education (CROSP) project is focusing on the re-organisation of specialist, separate provision (schools, classes and units) and the perceived shift in the role of such provision to support the right to inclusive education for all learners.
Evaluation of the effects of the funding principles "Work Inclusive" - WiArIn - We are In!
The aim of the evaluation is to provide insights into the extent to which measures for labour market-oriented qualification can contribute to an improved participation situation of severely disabled people in working life.
Education, counselling and coaching : redesigning organisations: Self-organized and motivated!
The Caritasverband für die Erzdiözese Freiburg e.V. supports the Rückenwind+ project "Redesigning Organisations: Selbstorganisiert + Motiviert!" (Self-organized + Motivated!), the Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Freiburg e.V. supports ten project locations (local Caritas associations, professional associations and sponsors of Caritas facilities) in implementing self-organized teams.
Implementation of coaching measures for the pension insurance company Rheinland-Pfalz
ITA conducts individual coaching for senior executives of the Rhineland-Palatinate pension insurance.
Work 4.0 - Rooms for learning and experimentation for digitisation in the nursing professions (PFL-EX)
The project will inform and involve employees in the nursing professions about the potentials and framework conditions of digitisation in health care and in inpatient and outpatient care.
Enhancing inclusion capacity of educational organisations / institutions providing VET with ICT
Together with European partners, ITA develops approaches to improve the inclusion capacity of vocational education and training institutions using information and communication technologies (ICT).
Transparent and self-determined arrangement of data use in companies
Within the scope of the project, the implementation possibilities of a practical, legally compliant and technology-supported employee data protection with the help of privacy dashboards are investigated.
Model project transition from day care centres to workshops for disabled people
The aim of the project is to enable people with a high need for assistance after school education to claim their right to vocational training within the vocational training area of a workshop for disabled people.
Benchmarking of user-oriented housing offers
The project will develop a management instrument for communal and outpatient forms of housing that can map the user-oriented offer and the quality of service provision in an impact-oriented manner.
Digital Teams
The overall objective of the project is to counteract the rural exodus in Germany by improving the employment opportunities for knowledge workers in rural areas.
Innovative Integration
The project develops innovative and practical solutions for the permanent integration of refugees and other immigrants in peripheral areas.
GameOfRoster - game-based collaborative services platform for care professions (GamOR)
The aim of the project is to reduce disadvantageous conditions of shift work in nursing through attractive digital participation within a collaborative rostering process.
InAsPro - Integrated work system design in digitalized production companies
The project InAsPro focuses on the selection and implementation of digitization technologies in different life cycle phases in work systems of production companies.
Virtual Cluster Academy
The aim of the project was to investigate to what extent the development of a systematic training and further education offer in the form of a Virtual Cluster Academy can close current gaps in offers for cluster managers.
Age-mixed digitisation teams
In Rhineland-Palatinate companies today, employees from up to four generations work together - with different skills and needs when using digital technologies in the workplace. The aim of the project was to bring them together successfully.
The aim of the project was to develop a potential analysis for the use of Big Data technologies for the application areas "Strategic Government Foresight" and "Science Communication".
SME 4.0 Competence Center Kaiserslautern
The SME 4.0 Competence Center Kaiserslautern offers coordinated information, qualification and support services for small and medium-sized enterprises and especially for micro-enterprises in the region.
Evaluation "Initiative Inclusion" for the fields of action 2 and 3
On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), the ITA evaluated fields of action 2 and 3 of the Inclusion initiative.
The project dealt with the consequences of climate change on municipal business locations, municipal infrastructure and the companies located there, their value creation processes and employees.
WfbM benchmarking of participation in working life
The project offers a management tool that enables workshops for disabled people to measure the quality of their contribution to the participation of disabled people in working life, to evaluate it in comparison with other workshops and to develop it further on the basis of data.
Organisational resilience
Organisational resilience enables companies not only to survive crises or times of high pressure to change, but also to use them for further development towards improved sustainability in the sense of growth/strengthening.
Other completed projects
Here you will find a list of past ITA projects.