
  • Symbolbild Inklusion
  • Symbolbild Inklusion
  • Symbolbild Diversity

Brief description of the field of competence

In its actions, projects and consulting services, the competence field of inclusion is oriented towards the guiding principle of an inclusive society.


In publicly funded research projects of the Federal Government, the Länder, the EU and/or the European Social Fund, we are looking for approaches to improve the equal and self-determined participation of disadvantaged groups of people in education and employment. We evaluate already implemented measures, usually also on behalf of the public sector, with regard to their effectiveness and sustainability and thus provide important findings for the implementation and further development of publicly funded offers.


Social changes require far-reaching decisions from social economy enterprises, associations and networks. We advise and support institutions and agencies for the disabled, nursing, health care and others in implementing future-oriented change processes. As in all fields of competence of ITA, it is a central concern of ours to involve all relevant groups of people and users in the further development of organisations in order to achieve sustainable and profitable changes.

News from the field of competence Inclusion

510, 2022

Policy Brief on Inclusive Digital Education

This policy brief summarises the main findings of the report on inclusive digital education and its relevance for policy on inclusion and digital transformation to build more resilient education systems. The underlying report was prepared by the Institute of Technology and Work (ITA) in cooperation with the Department of Education at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the TU Kaiserslautern.

Projects in the Inclusion competence area


in.arbeit – digital

The project takes advantage of digitalisation in such a way that a sheltered workshop for people with disabilities can achieve a higher degree of decentralisation while at the same time maintaining economic efficiency and thus create new / additional participation opportunities for employees with disabilities in the social context as well as higher-quality occupational participation.


Dipl.-Pflegewirtin Annette Blaudszun-Lahm

More about inclusion

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