M. Sc. Ilknur Atakli
Dr. Tino Baudach
Dipl.-Pflegewirtin Annette Blaudszun-Lahm
M. Sc. Stephanie Dupont

Where's the boss here?

The boss in the classic sense no longer exists at ITA. This is because our research, consulting and implementation projects are implemented independently in small, multidisciplinary teams - and this also includes things that used to be a " boss matter", such as project management, team coordination, project controlling or the "approval" of business trips or holidays.

Dr. Frank Eierdanz
M.A. Carolin Fritzinger
M.A. Tanja Gebauer
Dr. Viola Hellge
Mag. rer. nat. Judith Hoffmann
Dipl.-Komm.-Wirtin Marina Jentsch
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Sandra Jung
B.A. Dominik Kaus
Dr. Vanessa Kubek
Simon Kunz

Are there no team leaders here?

There aren't?! Or division heads? What does a career at the ITA look like then?
We are convinced that "career" cannot be defined by titles, but by whether a wide variety of learning, experience and development paths are made possible by the organisation and whether the employees take them on as challenges. And which paths are attractive and challenging is something we develop together - in an open-ended organisational development process.

Petra Malek
M.A. Isabelle Oppel
Dr. Regina Osranek
M.A. Johanna Pfenning
Prof. Dr. Matthias Rohs
M.A. Tristan Schady
Dipl.-Soz. Delia Schröder MBA
Dr. Harald Weber
Thorsten Weber
Dipl.-Sozialwiss., Mag. rer. publ. Andreas Weßner
M.A. Dana Wolf
Lea Zuromski, M. Ed.
sowie weitere freie Mitarbeiter*innen
Selina Beyer
Junior research assistant
Moira Callaci
Junior research assistant
Hanna Hackländer
Junior research assistant
Oliver Keim
Junior research assistant
Jennifer Kelsch
Junior research assistant
Janina Sernau
Junior research assistant
Yogesh Soni
Junior research assistant
Emiliana Urrea-Isaza
Junior research assistant