Brief description
The ITA is responsible in the SME 4.0 Competence Center Kaiserslautern for questions of work and organization in the context of digitization. Together with three other partner institutions, the centre offers small and medium-sized enterprises from Rhineland-Palatinate and neighbouring regions information and support in implementing their digitisation projects.
The SME 4.0 Competence Center Kaiserslautern offers coordinated information, qualification and support services for small and medium-sized enterprises and especially for micro-enterprises in the region. The central objective of the overall project is to create a model region for the successful implementation of the digital transformation - taking into account the strategic goals and technical capacities of the companies. The socio-technological work system design focuses on roles and tasks in new work and collaboration processes, the use of digital work tools, the dissemination of digital learning opportunities and the competence development of employees as well as approaches to leadership in the digital age. The offers are primarily aimed at (in-house) multipliers and managers, personnel management employees and employee representatives. Furthermore, ITA is responsible for the evaluation of the project. In addition to the partner institutions from the project consortium "Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum KL", there is close cooperation with chambers, associations and educational institutions in the region.
Project website:
Project title
SME 4.0 Competence Center Kaiserslautern
Duration: 01.04.2016 – 31.03.2021
Project partners
- Institute for Technology and Work (ITA) e.V.
- Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
- Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Lehrstuhl für Strategie, Innovation und Kooperation (SIK)
- Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Lehrstuhl für Virtuelle Produktentwicklung (VPE)
- Technologie-Initiative SmartFactoryKL e.V. (Konsortialführer)
Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi). Project management agency is the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
Contact person
Dr. Viola Hellge