Within the framework of the Federal Participation Act (§ 11 SGB IX), the possibility was created to implement model projects to strengthen rehabilitation. The Kommunale Arbeitsförderung Ortenaukreis (KOA) - Jobcenter participates in the corresponding funding programme "rehapro" with the project "Gesundheitspräventives Update für Familien - "Gesundheit4PunktZukunft". ITA is responsible for the scientific monitoring and evaluation of this innovative project.
The project addresses several problem areas:
- People who are affected by (long-term) unemployment often have health problems that make their way back into employment even more difficult.
- Children suffer from the (long-term) unemployment of their parents. They also often already have health impairments.
- Families affected by (long-term) unemployment are usually accompanied by different "support systems" (especially employment promotion and youth welfare), which are not coordinated with each other.
- Health promotion and a systemic view of the family system are not part of regular employment support.
The "Gesundheit4PunktZukunft" project is testing an innovative approach for affected families in the Ortenau district. Multi-professional teams place the family system at the centre of needs analysis, goal clarification and supportive processes and measures. Employment support and youth welfare services are to act in a low-threshold and coordinated manner. The families are coached and supported through specific (group) offers to build up health skills and improve their health.
The scientific monitoring and evaluation by ITA covers a broad spectrum of objectives and methodological approaches. The project set-up as well as the project and team development are supported by a strongly demand-oriented and differentiated process of process support. The evaluation has a formative and summative function. It takes into account the most diverse perspectives, including those of the target group itself, of the coaches and of stakeholders in the social space.
Funding: The project "Gesundheit4PunktZukunft" is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) and is part of the federal programme "Innovative Ways to Participate in Working Life - rehapro".
Project title
Preventive Health Update for Families - "Gesundheit4PunktZukunft" (Health4PointFuture)
Systemic support for families burdened by unemployment
Duration: 01.11.2021 – 31.10.2026
Project partners
- Kommunale Arbeitsförderung Ortenaukreis (KOA) – Jobcenter
- AgilEvent
Contact person
Dr. Vanessa Kubek