Transition to digitalization and processes of change in the regional economic structures of Saarland and Rheinland-Pfalz pose major challenges for the world of work. This applies to industries undergoing structural changes, such as the automotive sector, as well as dynamic growth industries, such as healthcare industry/medical technology.
In times of highly competitive markets and a shortage of skilled workers, companies will only be able to maintain their competitiveness if they are willing to significantly change their values at an individual and societal level (e.g., toward flexibility in terms of time and place of work, meaningful leadership, innovative forms of collaboration, sustainable business practices) and if the dimensions of work (performance policy, participation, leadership, task design) are readjusted. The circular economy is an example of value-oriented management and work. It takes into account the idea of sustainability and also contains new forms of collaboration, knowledge sharing, competence building and regionality.
Based on latest scientific findings and in cooperation with regional companies, new forms of working and learning will be tested with a strategic orientation towards circular economy within the framework of KOMATRA. In this way, the Kompetenzzentrum Arbeitsforschung offers companies in the target region Saar-Pfalz an orientation for the restructure of their work processes and business models.
ITA assumes the consortium leadership of the project and is responsible for the development, testing and evaluation of conceptual work science solutions. Additionally, prototypical transformation measures for the areas of working and learning will be developed and tested in the participating partner companies and transfer activities will be executed throughout the duration of the entire project.
KOMATRA is part of the program „Zukunft der Wertschöpfung: Regionale Kompetenzzentren der Arbeitsforschung“, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), which focuses on research of new forms of sustainable economic business, innovative ways of work, learning and work concepts at the individual and organizational levels of companies in order to meet the challenges of a digital, sustainable, and healthy transformation in these companies.
Project title
Kompetenzzentrum Arbeitsforschung: Transformation im Zukunftskorridor Saar-Pfalz gestalten – werteorientiertes Lernen und Arbeiten in der Kreislaufwirtschaft (KOMATRA)
January 2023 - December 2027
Project partners
- Institut für Technologie und Arbeit e.V. (ITA)
- Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität (RPTU) (bis 31.12.2022: TU Kaiserslautern), Lehrstuhl Erwachsenenbildung
- Hochschule Trier, Umwelt Campus Birkenfeld (UCB)
- Institut für Sozialforschung und Sozialwirtschaft e.V. (iso)
- Arbeit und Leben Rheinland-Pfalz gGmbH – Gesellschaft für Beratung und Bildung (AuL)
- Zentrum für Mechatronik und Automatisierungstechnik gGmbH (ZeMA)
- AWS-Institut für digitale Produkte und Prozesse gGmbH (AWSi)
- saarland.innovation&standort e.V. (saaris)
- Universitätsmedizin Mainz KÖR (agiert in zwei Rollen: als Anwendungspartner UniMed und als Transferpartner Gutenberg Health Hub/GHH)
- Woll Maschinenbau GmbH (Woll)
- ISL Group Management GmbH
- Wellgo Gruppe (Wellgo)
- SaarGummi Group (SG)
- Lohmann & Rauscher GmbH & Co. KG (L&R)
- Baldus Medizintechnik GmbH (Baldus)
The "KOMATRA" project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the program "Zukunft der Wertschöpfung: Regionale Kompetenzzentren der Arbeitsforschung“
Contact person
Dr. rer. pol. Vanessa Kubek
Dipl.-Soz. Delia Schröder MBA