Brief description

The project "Arbeiten 4.0 - Lern- und Experimentierräume der Digitalisierung in Pflegeberufen" ("Work 4.0 - Learning and Experimental Rooms of Digitisation in Nursing Professions", or "PFL-EX" for short) is intended to inform employees in nursing professions about the potential and general conditions of digitisation in health care and in inpatient and outpatient care ("Learning Rooms") and to give them the opportunity to test and use selected technologies in practical application scenarios (in-house "Experimental Rooms"). TARGET GROUP of the project are thus employees of outpatient and inpatient care facilities. In detail, the project pursues the following objectives: (1) The learning and experimental rooms will familiarise nursing staff with digital technologies. Together, potentials are identified to reduce physical and mental stress at work by using digital technologies. (2) By participating in the selection and introduction of digital technologies by the employees, the technologies are used more effectively and with greater acceptance. (3) As a result of the experimental rooms, digitalisation is experiencing a tangible boost in care facilities. The actors are familiar with success factors and procedures for dealing with new technologies. (4) The potentials of technologies are used for the benefit of nursing staff, patients/patients in need of care and relatives. Burdens in everyday working life are reduced, motivation is promoted and in the long term the attractiveness of both the corresponding training paths and the employers increases.

The knowledge gained in the project will be disseminated through public workshops and conferences.

To the project's website:

All funded INQA experimental spaces are linked by the orientation to use the potential of digitisation, to actively shape digital change and to focus on people and their abilities. Further information on the funded projects at www.experimentierrä

INQA is an initiative in which associations and institutions of the economy, companies, trade unions, the Federal Employment Agency, social insurance carriers, chambers and foundations work together with politicians to promote a new, sustainable work culture - along the lines of the topics of personnel management, health, knowledge & competence and equal opportunities & diversity. As an independent network, the initiative offers concrete advice and information for companies and administrations as well as a wide range of exchange opportunities in numerous - also regional - company and industry networks. Further information is available at

Project title

Work 4.0 - Rooms for learning and experimentation for digitisation in the nursing professions (PFL-EX)

Duration: 15.11.2018-15.11.2020

Project partners


The project "PFL-EX" is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) and is implemented in the context of the "Initiative Neue Qualität der Arbeit" (INQA).

Contact person

Dr. Vanessa Kubek