Symbolbild DiversityAm 01.12.2019 startet ein neues Forschungsprojekt zur Evaluation der Wirkungen der baden-württembergischen Fördergrundsätze zur Teilhabe schwerbehinderter Menschen am Arbeitsleben. Der Kommunalverband für Jugend und Soziales Baden-Württemberg (KVJS) ist insbesondere daran interessiert, Erkenntnisse dazu bereitzustellen, inwiefern die damit umgesetzten Maßnahmen zur arbeitsmarktnahen Qualifizierung der Teilnehmenden zu einer verbesserten Teilhabesituation beitragen können. Auf Basis der Ergebnisse dieser Studie sollen fachliche Standards überprüft und weiterentwickelt werden.

The mission of the KVJS Integration Office is to promote the participation of severely disabled people in working life. The tasks of the Integration Office are the collection and use of the severely disabled equalisation charges, the special protection against dismissal for severely disabled persons and the accompanying assistance in working life, including information and education. In accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the professional participation of people with significant disabilities is to be realised as far as possible in the general labour market. The Office for Integration has been pursuing this approach since 2005 with various support instruments, so that by 2019 some 4,800 substantially disabled people will have found work on the general labour market subject to social insurance contributions. (Further information on the funding principles can be found here: ).

Die nun gestartete Evaluation wird umfassende Befunde zu den Wirkungen der Fördergrundsätze „Arbeit Inklusiv“ liefern und analysieren, ob und inwieweit

  • improved participation is achieved at different levels, in the professional as well as the general social context
  • significant positive effects on the development of professional skills and independence of the participants occur,
  • the participants' competence gains can be demonstrated,
  • an increase in the independence, self-esteem and self-determination of the participants can be observed,
  • an increase in the participants' career prospects and professional identity can be observed,
  • employment relationships arranged within the framework of the funding principles are sustainable, what number of cases and changes of employment relationships occur, and
  • how users assess the flexibility of the funding principles and the suitability of the offerings.

Weitere Informationen auf der Projektwebseite.