M.A. Tristan Schady


Phone: 0631 20583-0
Fax: 0631 20583-83
E-Mail: tristan.schady(at)ita-kl(dot)de


Institut für Technologie und Arbeit e.V.
Trippstadter Str. 113
67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

Tristan Schady studied Integrative Social Sciences with a focus on Social Science and Technology at the Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University Kaiserslautern-Landau. Since January 2023, Mr Schady has been working as a junior research associate at the Institute for Technology and Work e.V.. He is employed in the project "Future Centre for Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Production Work (ZuKIPro)".

Weber, H., Blaudszun-Lahm, A., Eierdanz, F., Hoffmann, J., Kubek, V., Osranek, R., Schady, T., Deusch, B. & Süßmilch, B. (2024). Evaluation der Wirkungen der Fördergrundsätze ‚Arbeit Inklusiv‘ – WiArIn -We are In! Kommunalverband für Jugend und Soziales – Baden-Württemberg (KVJS).

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Finished projects