Ensuring good scientific practice

The Institute for Technology and Work (ITA) is a research institute whose work focuses on economics and industrial science. The basic and applied research results are addressed to different stakeholders. The institute's working method is principally interdisciplinary and is realized by employees of different disciplines from the fields of economics, social sciences and engineering.

As a scientific institution, the ITA is responsible for the implementation of the research work in its own organization and for creating the necessary framework conditions to ensure excellent research quality. This also includes that a working atmosphere exists and is maintained, which is characterized by openness, creativity, critical faculties and the willingness to perform as well as the willingness to take on responsibility. At the same time, structures are in place and are continuously being developed to prevent scientific misconduct or to identify its origin.

Für diesen Zweck hat das ITA als An-Institut der Rheinland-Pfälzischen Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) eine Vereinbarung über die Zusammenarbeit bei Verdachtsfällen wissenschaftlichen Fehlverhaltens mit der TU Kaiserslautern geschlossen. Damit erklärt das Institut verbindlich, die Verfahrensordnung der RPTU zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis anzuwenden sowie seine Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter auf die Einhaltung dieser Regeln zu verpflichten.

These rules of procedure shall include:

  1. the explanation of the normative foundations for ensuring good scientific practice,
  2. the definition of scientific misconduct,
  3. the responsibility and
  4. the course of proceedings in the event of concrete suspicions.

Verfahrensordnung der RPTU zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis:


The application of these rules of procedure includes the Institute's obligation to comply with the recommendations of the DFG Commission on "Self-regulation in Science and Humanities". In this context, the scientific management of the Institute shall ensure that these recommendations are an integral part of the development of scientific staff and form the basis for their scientific work.

The Code of Good Scientific Practice Guidelines of the German Research Foundation (DFG) of 3 July 2019:


Further questions on the operational implementation of these recommendations can be addressed directly to the Institute management.