Starting from mid-2023, the ITA will offer consulting and support services for SMEs through its employees Judith Hoffmann and Dr. Viola Hellge as authorized INQA coaches.
What is INQA Coaching?
"INQA Coaching - agile into the digital future" is an employee-oriented consulting program for SMEs funded by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the European Union (ESF Plus).
From digitization to decarbonization: Small and medium-sized enterprises are feeling the change in the world of work. INQA Coaching offers low-threshold consulting and support services for SMEs to meet these challenges and, together with the employees, to position themselves crisis- and future-proof. Up to 80% of the consulting costs can be covered.
Contact us, we look forward to assisting you with challenges around the changing world of work.
Contact persons: Judith Hoffmann, Dr. Viola Hellge
Further information about INQA -Coaching by ITA can be found here.