Digital transformation in the social economy
On the necessity of a culture of innovation
The social economy is an economic sector of the future, and its services are of particular relevance to society and the economy. The use of digital technologies offers great innovation potential for the sector. However, in order to do justice to the special features of social work, the social economy must go its own way in digitalisation and develop its own culture of innovation.
The current issue of WISO direkt addresses the specifics of the social economy compared to other economic sectors, which accordingly require a different form of digital transformation, and highlights opportunities as well as risks of digitalisation. In addition to the necessary investments in the technical infrastructure, a digital transformation also requires suitable innovation structures and cultures. Particularly in the area of social services, it is also necessary on the research side to show perspectives and design approaches in order to link high service quality with the topic of "good work", even under the framework conditions that are changing as a result of digitalisation.
Digital transformation in the social economy
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Department of Economic and Social Policy
Issue 11/2021
ISBN 978-3-96250-754-1
Authors: Klaus J. Zink and Harald Weber