Aktuelles – Projekte

Competence Center for Labor Research for Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland founded under the name "KOMATRA"

2023-01-18T22:16:36+01:0012. January, 2023|Projects|

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is providing 10 million euros in funding for the project "Shaping Transformation in the Saar-Pfalz Corridor of the Future: Value-based Working and Learning in the Circular Economy/ Kompetenzzentrum Ar-beitsforschung: Transformation im Zukunftskorridor Saar-Pfalz gestalten - werteorientiertes Lernen und Arbeiten in der Kreislaufwirtschaft "

Digital transformation in care - a film about our project DiCo (Digital Companion)

2022-09-20T16:51:45+02:0020. September, 2022|Projects|

In the project "Digital Companion for Intelligent Counselling and Interactive Experience" ("DiCo"), funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), this current film shows the experiences of care facilities in this project and how they are advancing digitalisation.

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