Im Rahmen des TrUSD-Projekts hat das ITA in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Lehrstuhl für Rechtsinformatik an der Universität des Saarlands einen Online-Check für den Beschäftigtendatenschutz in Unternehmen und Organisationen entwickelt. Dieses Selbstbewertungsinstrument ist nun online!
By answering a few questions about the organization and processing activities of employee data, you can check the status of the implementation of employee data protection in your organization yourself in just 20 minutes. All information is collected anonymously and evaluated directly for you. As soon as all questions have been answered, you will receive an assessment of the status as well as suggestions for potential improvements. At the end of the check, you can save your individual results as a PDF file or simply print them out.
Click here to visit the online check:
The joint project "TrUSD - Transparent and Self-Determined Design of Data Use in Companies" aims to develop a practical and legally compliant approach to technology-supported employee data protection and thus build a bridge between the potential of data analysis and employees' right to privacy. The three-year research project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the German government's research framework program on IT security "Self-determined and secure in the digital world". The results can be found, among other places, on the project's website: